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2690 Crooks Road, Troy, MI 48084, United States

Don’t Miss: ADLD Research Webinar with Pioneer Dr. Quasar Padiath

The ADLD Center is hosting an exclusive webinar with ADLD research pioneer Dr. Quasar Padiath.

Dr. Padiath currently serves as Associate Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Pittsburgh. He identified the genetic basis for ADLD back in 2006, and continues to be one of the world’s foremost experts on this rare neurological disorder.

In this special webinar, the ADLD Center will provide an introduction to their nonprofit mission of funding research and supporting families. Then Dr. Padiath will join to provide critical insights into the latest ADLD research advancements and answer audience questions.

With greater understanding of ADLD, we move closer to improved treatments and a cure. Watch the following videos if you miss the live webinar.